theres an unseen, unheard of brand of anything everytime i turn around- try em all baby. from this gatorade tastealike to iced corn tea- lucky and unlucky shots but what do you expect when you're trying something new and you can't read the language yet
these always old lookin coffee machines are all over- 300 won and you get a hot coffee shot... get two and that's 60 cents. you grow an intimate bond with them after a couple weeks
the squatters- wah- funniest story to go with this: in brief it was a mad rush to find this after running back again to the subway ticket counter for change to buy toilet paper, taking off underwear and all to squat and do some stinky damage while some guy in the next stall farted, plopped and moaned all while talking on his celli...
my bathroom- all dirt pink, moldy and neglected by it's previous owners- call it a fixerupper.... by now it's cleaned, bleached and resealed... first impression wasn't excitement.. but fuck: i'm in korea
Mort at the top off this winding road before we discovered this funkyass chinatown district at the peak of a mountain by Incheon station...
Chinatown by Incheon station before we begin the stair climb...
WOW! Sweet Pics. Like our Toronto trip snapping pics of randoms but so much more interesting. You and Geoff must find yourselves on some crazy ass ADVENTURES!!!! Miss ya! Talk soon!!
Oh ya and add my blogspot to your links.
Put a bit on. When I get time I will extravagant-it. xo
your lost"
yes. comfortably.
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