Monday, July 14, 2008


"Tandas" are a form of rotating credit association where one person from a group organizes the cycle. That would be our sweetheart in the visual...    
Popular in Latin American culture this is another creative way to put some money aside until it develops into a larger sum, all the while being involved with your friends and coworkers in  a joint venture. 

This is another piece for NEXOS Magazine (American Airlines) ; hoping to harness something in a different direction next time. Props to the Art Director G.G for his patience with me on this one...   y'all know I had a hard time accepting the notebook in this.....


Oleg Portnoy said...

Chase congrads! This is sick. I'm glad you were able to get your hands on some super sculpy in Korea.

Alejandro cardona said...

hey this looks awesome
when r u coming back... this guy!

Chase Carr-Braint said...

Mid september i:m kissin ontario groundz.

sir oleg- korea:s got everything except cheap coffee that tastes like coffee. timmys is missed like a finger would be if you lost it.

ps. u r an animal.